Originally made in May 2007, SRSG is short for Simple Random Sentence Generator. It's a small entertainment program with the purpose of making short and random sentences in familiar themes. I originally got the idea while looking at engrish.com. I noticed a couple of patterns in the terrible English that is written on some of the products. I thought I could make something that would make random Engrish sentences and then the fun would never stop. A short while later, I had the first version of SRSG. After showing it off to a couple of people, we came up with the idea to expand it to Chuck Norris facts, and then later to excuses for not doing homework.
The program is written in LUA for the Sony PSP. It's obviously homebrew software, and has never been licensed. Due to the march of time and firmware versions, I've begun porting the code to a new LUA interpreter that will run on later versions of the hacked PSP firmware. The original was made for firmware v. 1.5-2.0, and the new code will eventually run on firmware v. 6.61 (the last firmware). I haven't touched this software in a long time, so maybe I'll never get it perfect, but it will currently run with some terrible bugs on 6.61. I think there's some bug affecting the display of text, so you can work around missing text by generating new sentences and then going back to older sentences. I'm unsure of whether or not file saving is working right now. Anyway, I hope to get around to all of this and rerelease it all as a PSP program for 6.61, but for now, here's the as-is LUA code. Maybe that alone will be useful to some people. Also, I'll post some screen shots as I can. I have a little artwork from the PSP release that I'll post here in the meantime.